>> Superbooth Berlin 2023  


l: U2373j crazy-tube crusher - prototype - frequency-selective tube crusher | W2393 TiltBaxxEQ - 3 band Baxandall tone control with tilt filter | V2359j amp4ribbon - universal microphone preamp with 3 integrated filters
1. U2373j crazy-tube crusher, prototype
frequency-selective tube crusher
2. W2393 TiltBaxxEQ, 3 band Baxandall tone
control with tilt filter
3. V2359j amp4ribbon, universal microphone
preamp with 3 integrated filters
19 Zoll Rack ein Blick ins innere einiger unserer 500 Module a look inside of V2359j, W2395c and W2393 TiltBaxxEQ modules
19 Zoll Rack ein Blick ins innere einiger unserer
500 Module | a look inside of V2359j, W2395c
and W2393 TiltBaxxEQ modules
Nahaufnahme unserer Zerrmaschine als Prototype || Close-up of our distortion machine as a functional model and prototype
Nahaufnahme unserer Zerrmaschine als Prototype
Close-up of our distortion machine as a
functional model and prototype