fast motion
slow motion
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U2373j - this device is a completely new development of frequency-selective distortions (api 500 ® - system)

The crazy tube crusher U2373j is the small offshoot of the U2379 - tube distortion amplifier. We now can adjust the degree of distortion of the bass, middle and treble separately. Changes like harmonic components, grid2 bias and plate voltage can be made in the tube section and be equalized in the filter section, too. Audio levels and bias setting of grid 2 are displayed in the VU meter section.

Further information coming soon - visit us on Superbooth23 at FEZ Berlin, may 11 - 13

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V2359j amp4ribbon - everything but not just a microphone amplifier (api 500 ® - System)
News from the lab: an amplifier for ribbon microphones. Additional to the mic preamp with gain from 26 to 59 dB, three filters allow the tonal influence of the signal. High frequency shelf with +/-12 dB @ 9 kHz and a low cut filter with a maximum range of -17 dB@ 20 Hz. Furthermore a -15 dB pad (opt. -20 dB) can be activated. Further information on product page V2359j amp4ribbon..

>>> Flyer V2359j amp4ribbon | >>> V2359j product video | >>> V2359j @Studioszene | >>> V2359j amp4ribbon testet by
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W2393 TiltBaxxEQ - a completely new filter combination
of tilt filter and the classic Baxandall tone control in 500 ® format. More information about the W2393 TiltBaxxEQ...

+++ Brand new video - W2393 TiltBaxxEq at Studioszene 2022: roger schult german audio lab with the new W2393 TiltBaxxEq and V2359j amp4ribbon mic-preamp in Mannheim presented by Kristian Kohle (Kohlekeller Studio)

>>> Flyer W2393 TiltBaxxEQ | >>> W2393 TiltBaxxEQ @Studioszene | >>> W2393 TiltBaxxEQ tested by
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W2389j (f) M/S-Master junior (api 500 ® system) ( Build-to-order )
The analog precision M/S matrix W2389j by Roger Schult provides access to the mid- and side components of a stereo signal opening doors to many unique signal processing and sound shaping opportunities in mixing and mastering. The integrated double conversion matrix from L/R to M/S back to L/R makes this unit particularly convenient as it can be inserted into any stereo signal path. The incoming L/R signal is split up into its mid- and side components via a high precision analog matrix, which then provides a low impedance send output for external processing devices such as EQs or compressors. The processed signal is then fed back into the return input of the W2389j, which can accommodate signals from high impedance vintage effects, and converted back into a L/R stereo signal.     Further information...
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Vintage 3-Band EQ W2395c (api 500 ® - System)
The W2395c equalizer offers versatile sound shaping possibilities for the most diverse program material. The unit provides active Baxandall tone controls for treble and bass as well as a semi-parametric mid band filter. Both gain controls of the Baxandall bands are set up as faders and allow level adjustments between +/- 12 dB per band. Due to the circuit design, the high and low bands may influence each other by up to 4 dB depending on the gain setting within each band. Two three-position toggle switches allow setting the shoulder frequencies of the low and high bands to 80 Hz or 110 Hz, and 2 kHz or 5 kHz respectively. The center position of each switch marks the "off" position and may be used to disengage the filter band without adjusting the gain control.     Further information...
Made in Germany.
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W2324 phase shifter (api 500 ® - System)
The W2324 is a high-precision tool to solve phase problems in sound recording and playback applications. The W2324 phase shifter is the ultimate tool to hone in and correct those phase problems with unheard-of accuracy and sound quality. Alternatively, experienced engineers will appreciate the creative sound design possibilities offered by the module. Furthermore, the W2324 can be used in the subwoofer path of any playback system to optimize the low-frequency response and remedy room mode issues thanks to the continuously adjustable phase angle.
Within the selectable frequency range of 23 Hz to 1.57 kHz any frequency build-ups or cancellations due to the time delay between two sources or (when used in the playback path) due to problematic room acoustics can be addressed by shifting of the phase. Simply select the desired frequency range with the 11-position rotary switch and correct the level and phase.     Further information...
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W2350 PickUpMatchingAmplifier and equalizer system
The W2350 phono preamp series is the perfect solution for the individual equalization of your pickup system. Our flag ship, the W2350 PUMA, allows quick and easy adaption even to exotic MM pickups.

The W2350 MM and MC are designed for standard pickups with the option of custom adjustments during manufacturing, including individual equalization curves. Further information...
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W2395 Studio Tone Shaper (api 500 ® - System)
The W2395 Studio Tone Shaper is a highly flexible three-band equalizer that is well suited for a wide range of creative and corrective applications. The unique combination of the broad stroke Baxandall bands and the parametric filter capabilities provides an extraordinarily effective toolkit for handling any program material. Made in Germany.     Further information...
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RS-W2395c FREE Neo Classic Baxandall EQ
For the 5th anniversary of W2395c eq, Reimund Dratwa CEO of FUSE AUDIO LAB has developed a free plug-in of the highest order.
Look and listen to the official emulation of Roger Schult's original hardware module W2395c.
>>> Download the RS-W2395c plug-in for free - now on FUSE AUDIO LAB.<<<

System Requirements Mac (64-Bit only): Intel CPU (at least 2 GHz recommended) | 2GB RAM | Mac OS 10.9 or newer | display resolution of 1280x1024 pixels or more | VST2, VST3, AAX or AudioUnits compatible host
System Requirements Windows (32- and 64-Bit): Intel CPU (at least 2 GHz recommended) | 2GB RAM | Windows 7 or newer | display resolution of 1280x1024 pixels or more | VST2, VST3 or AAX compatible host